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MyHairCounts Hair Growth Success Plan

  • HairGrowthProof101

    Free with
    Free Plan
    • 45-minutes Live Webinar with our Hair Clinical Study Team
    • When to ask "Is my hair loss treatment working?"
    • Answers to "Is your hair loss worsening?" before too late
    • How to tell if you are growing hair accurately & objectively
    • How do clinical study test a hair treatment product
    • "Golden Standard" for clinical studies hair growth tracking
    • How to fact-check if your product is backed by science
    • How to compare one hair loss product to another
    • How to see earlier treatment results before the mirror
    • And more ...
    • On Saturdays at 9:00PM EST (7:00 CST & 5:00PST) US Time
  • HairGrowth300

    Every year
    Save 50% with 1-year Hair Growth Success Plan with objective evidence for progress
     14 day free trial
    • Professional review of your current treatment regimen
    • Regimen Improvement Recommendations
    • MyHairCounts Annual App Subscription ($50 value)
    • Hair Density Analysis/Yr ($120 value)
    • MyHairCounts Advanced Imaging Kit ($100 value)
    • Treatment Adherence Monitoring ($120 value)
    • Hair & Scalp Observations ($30 value)
    • Monthly Hair Status Score ($60 value)
    • Monthly Growth Score ($60 value)
    • Comprehensive Onboarding ($30 value)

US & International Patents pending

© 2024 by MyHairCounts.


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